1930 - 2012

Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Center of Regional Studies
Research professor

Languages:   French
Education: 1990 Hungarian Academy of Sciences
  1982 Hungarian Academy of Sciences
  1975 Doctor of sciences
  1962 Candidate
  1958 Doctor
  1953 University of Economics of Budapest


1991     Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Center of Regional Studies
Research professor
1983 - 1991 Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Center of Regional Studies
General Director
1976 - 1983 Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Institute of Geography
Head of department
1962 - 1972 Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Institute of Geography
Deputy Director
1960 - 1962 Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Institute of Geography
Head of department
1955 - 1960 University of Agriculture of Gödöllő
Assistant Professor
1953 - 1955 University of Economics of Budapest
Assistant Lecturer

Membership of Organizations:

  • Hungarian Academy of Sciences: corespondent 1982 -, member 1990 -
  • International Geographical Union: Member of the Executive Council 2002 -
  • Academia Europaea (London): member 1990-
  • Honorary Memberships: Hungarian, Finnish, French, Polish, British and Croatian Geographical Societies


  • Szechenyi Prize, 1998 (highest honour for scientific activity)
  • Order of Merit of the Republic of Hungary, 2004
  • Honorary Doctor: University of Sciences of Pécs

Visiting professorship and fellowship:

  • Ford Foundation Research Fellowship, Chicago, Berkeley, 1966-67
  • Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington D.C., 1987-88
  • Visiting professorships in different universities abroad, e.g.:
  • Universite de Montpellier (France), 1972-74
  • Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (Paris, France), 1992
  • UCLA (Los Angeles, U.S.A.), 1997

Selected bibliography:

Professor Enyedi has authored 18, edited 26 scientific books. He has published over 300 scientific papers.

A few examples:

  • 1. Hungarian economic geography Boulder, Westiview, 1976
  • A városnövekedés szakaszai (Stages of urban growth) Budapest, Akadémiai, 1988
  • Kelet-Közép-Európa gazdasági földrajza (Economic geography os East-Central Europe) Budapest, KJK, 1978
  • Budapest - a Central European Capital, London, Belhaven, 1992 (with Viktoria Szirmai)
  • Public Participation in Socially Sustainable Urban Development Paris, UNESCO, 2004 (author)
  • The effect of modern agriculture on rural development. New York, Pergamon, 1982
  • Environmental policies in East and West London, Taylor Graham, 1987 (editor)
  • Social changes and urban restructuring in Central Europe, Budapest, Akadémiai 1998 (editor)
"The immunities of townships, which have been obtained with so much difficulty, are least of all protected against the encroachments of the supreme power. They are unable to struggle, single-handed, against a strong and enterprising government, and they cannot defend themselves with success unless they are identified with the customs of the nation and supported by public opinion. Thus until the independence of townships is amalgamated with the manners of a people, it is easily destroyed; and it is only after a long existence in the laws that it can be thus amalgamated."
Alexis Tocqueville: De la démocracie en Amérique / Democracy in America