Nationality:   Hungarian
Birth:   Bucuresti
Telefon:   +36 (30) 450-9511
Fax:   +36 (1) 631-4538
Email:   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Title:   Founder - CEO

2010 -

University of Science of Pécs

University of Science of Pécs
Faculty of Economy
PhD degree on Regional Policy and Economy

CNRS (Centre National de Recherche Cientifique, Paris)
Methodological course 

Science University of Eötvös Loránd, Budapest
M.Sc. in Sociology and French
Languages:   Hungarian (native)
French (C1)
Spanish (C1)
English (good command)
Marital status:   Married, 3 children

Main activity:

2011 -   Financial manager of TÁMOP 5.6.1.A-11/2 (social reintegration - vocational formation and employment)
2007 -   Founder and executive of LRMI Local and Regional Monitoring Institute
Development of comparative methodology for Local Governments, international cooperation
2000 - 2012 Owner: OSO POLAR Kkt.
Consultancy, research and training on local governments finance, operating and dev.
1993 - 1999 Senior Fellow: Városkutatás Kft. (Metropolitan Research Institute Ltd.)
Participating in technical assistance programs of USAID. Projects with World Bank, Hungarian central and local governments.
1989 - 1992 Junior Fellow: TÁRKI (Social Science Information Center)
Topics: social and regional inequality.

Professional experience:

2008 - 2011 Lecturer: Local Governments Financial Questions and Answers
Quarterly, Complex Wolters Kluwer Group
2007     Organizer of four researches about local government reforms (TÖOSZ – Erste)
2002 - 2011 Coordinator, expert, editor of publications of projects funded by the EU in Nat. Inst. Crim. (InSec, AGIS)
2005     Coordinator of the reform of the National Cultural Fund (NKA)
2004 - 2005 Coordinator of ILO STEP (strategy and tools against social exclusion) for CEE countries
2002     Konzulens, települési és területfejlesztési politikai szakdolgozóknak, BKÁE ÁIK
2001     Research, Regional Research Center of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Teaching experience:

2012     Guest professor: Local public Finance, International Summer School
KIMEP University, Kazakhstan
2008 - 2012 Assoc. professor: sociology, methodology and European Studies
Budapest College of Communication and Business
2005 - 2008 External teacher of Regional Finance at Faculty of Economics Univ. West Hungary
2005 - 2006 BME Település- és területi szakértői Magyar-Francia közös felsőfokú képzés
Államháztartási ismeretek és önkormányzati finanszírozás
2004 - 2006 External teacher of Local Management Consultant at Fac. of Administration Univ. Corvinus
1999 - 2002 Teaching, Summer University, Open Society Institute, Modeling local finance

1997 - 1999 Teaching, Courses for specialized engineers at the University of Polytechnic (sociology, sub-urbanize)
1998     Közgazdasági Továbbképző Intézet
A szuburbanizációs  folyamatok hatása

Membership of Organizations:

  • Hungarian Society of Sociology
  • Hungarian Society of Urbanism and Society of Regional Science

Principal Publications:

  1. Facts and figures of the Hungarian Sub-national Government System, discussion paper (responsible reader, author: LRMI collectivity), Local and Regional Monitoring Institute, 2008, 2011 (2nd revised ed.)
  2. III. French-Hungarian Municipal Meeting, in: Új magyar közigazgatás, 2011/9 pp. 66-67.
  3. Practice and methodology of Municipal asset management, with: Sipos Ivett, in: Új magyar közigazgatás, 2011/3 pp. 09-24.
  4. Inquiry into measuring regional competitiveness - with special focus on the Danube Strategy (with Ivett Sipos) in: Ágh A., Kaiser T and Koller B: The Danube Strategy, September 2010
  5. The specialties from point of view of regional policy and functioning of micro-regional system of the agglomeration of big cities, Területi Statisztika , September – November 2008
  6. Inquiry into the Rationalization of Central Hungary: Who would Win from it and Who Lose, In: A. Ágh – V. Szemere (eds.) Completing Membership in East Central Europe, Euro-Contact, Budapest, 2007. pp. 97-111.
  7. Helyzetjelentés a Közép-Magyarországi Régió Fejlesztési Tanácsa és Ügynöksége működési tapasztalatairól, a regionális intézményrandszer kiépüléséről (Report on the operating experience of the Development Comitee and the agency, the development of the the regional institutions of the Region of Central Hungary), In: Kaiser Tamás, Ágh Attila, Kis-Varga Judit:  A régiók Magyarországa I, Stratégiai Kutatások Magyarország 2015, MTA-MEH Projekt, MTA Szociológia Kutatóintézet, 2007. pp. 155-218.
  8. Crime Prevention Carousel. National Report. Budapest-Békásmegyer (JAI/2004/AGIS/164, research report, a-authors: dr. Tünde Barabás, prof. Ferenc Irk, and Szandra Windt) OKRI, Budapest, 2006.
  9. Chances of Caching up – the Potencial Role of the Local Level: Administrative System and Regional Development, In: A. Ágh – V. Szemere (eds.) New Member States int he Enlarged Europe: The Hungarian Perspective, Euro-Contract, Budapest, 2006. pp. 72-88.
  10. A Közép-Magyarországi Régió, a budapesti agglomeráció és Budapest, mint kistérség problematikája (The Central Region, the agglomaration of Budapest and Budapest as , IN: Budapest a Közép-Magyarországi Régióban: A közös versenyképesség perspektívái, BM IDEA, 2005. pp. 117-152
  11. e-Településmenedzsment, a modern kommunikációs és adatátviteli eszközök alkalmazásának lehetőségei a települések irányításának új koncepciójában. E-Government Alapítvány, Budapest, 2005.
  12. Budapest versus Hongrie, á l’aube de l’intégration européenne, Regards sur l’est, n° 36, avril-juin 2004, (together with Krisztina Keresztély) 2004.
  13. 13.  Budapest et la Hongrie: la réforme administrative a l’assaut de la centralisation (co-author Keresztély Krisztina), IN: L’Élargissement de l’Union Européenne: réformes territoriales en Europe Centrale et Orientale, L’Harmattan, Paris, 2004. pp. 125-129.
  14. Insecurities in European Cities, The Hungarian Case, (Co-authors: dr. Barabár Tünde, dr. Irk Ferenc) vol. I., OKRI, Budapest, 2003.
  15. Egyes helyi adók elktronikus ügymenetének bevetésével kapcsolatos kérdések, (Inquiery about the e-administration of some local taxes) IN: Információs társadalom 5. részfeladat: Az elektronikus kormányzás regionális jogi és szervezési, Program leader: Attila Chikán, NKFP, BKÁE - MTA Sztaki, Kaposvár MJV, 2002.
  16. Budapest (köz)szolgáltatásokkal való ellátásának területi különbségei (Territorial Differencies in Public Service Delivery in Budapest), program leader with Lászlóval Harsányi , 2001-2003.
  17. Challenges of Suburbanization in Budapest Agglomeration, (together with Györgyi Barta), Arbeitsmaterial nr 282 „Stadt-Umland-Probleme und Entwicklung desgrossflächinigen Einzel-hangels in den Ländern Mittel- und Südosteuropa”, Akademie für Raumforschung und Landesplanung, ARL , Hannover, 2001., pp. 13-24
  18. The Effects of sub-urbanization – with Special Regards to Budapest and its Surroundings, In: Cernic Mali B. – Dimitrovska Andrews – K & Turner, B. (ed).: Housing in Transition, Ljubljana Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia, pp. 535-547.
  19. Local Government Leaders’ Opinion on Local Development, report prepared in cooperation with József Hegedüs and Judit Kálmán, Városkutatás Kft., 1997
  20. Analysis of Local Government’s Housing Subsidy, research report prepared with József Hegedüs, Petra Kovács and Márta Polinszky, Városkutatás Kft., 1995
  21. Possibility to Building Tax in Budapest, research report prepared with József Hegedüs, Városkutatás Kft., 1994
  22. Housing Conditions in the 1990’s, (Lakáshelyzet a 90-es években; together with József Hegedüs and Iván Tosics), Társadalmi Riport (Social Report), TÁRKI, 1994
  23. „Foreigners” in Hungary — Settlements and Refugees, In: Those looking for their way, Yearbook of International Migration Research Team of the Institute for Political Sciences of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 1992
  24. Inequalities between settlements, Social Riport, 1992, TÁRKI
  25. Regional effects of crisis symptoms (Válságjelenségek területi vonatkozásai), Gyorsjelentések 7, TÁRKI 1991


  1. French – Hungarian Municipal Financial Conference, President and member of the organizing committee, June 28 2012, Budapest
  2. Exchange of territorial administrative experiences and good practices, UDITE Professional Study Day, 9th March 2012, Budapest
  3. II International Seminar, (Observatório de Luta Contra a Pobreza na Cidade de Lisboa), Lisbon, February 2012
  4. Changes – 2010, autonomous finance, Budapest, 4th March 2010
  5. Functions of city marketing and tourism in local development, Summary of Learning, (Local dynamics), Budapest, April 2009
  6. 2008 will it be year of Municipal Bankruptcies? – Vision and potential, Budapest, April 2008
  7. Local Governments Subsidy’s simplification: financial indicators system, Önkormányz. gazdálk. – helyi fejlesztés Conf., Pécs, 2008
  8. Scenario for Rationalization Middle-Hungary, Régiók félúton. Helyzetkép–jövőkép Magyarországon. Conference, Pécs, 2008.
  9. Organization of public services and regionalism int he region of Budapest, IV. Conference  of the Hungarian Society of Regional Sciences, Szeged, 2006.
  10. Fear of crime in Budapest, Results of the Programme of Insecurities in European Cities for Hungary, Conference of the European Society of Criminology, 2004
  11. Systeme macroséphale en Hongrie, (Special Legal Regulation for Budapest) Réfonder les territoires, École Normale Supérieur Centre Géophile, Lyon, 2003. [together with Krisztina Keresztély]
  12. Local Tax and Fee Policy: Recent Developments in Hungary, together with Charles Jokay, Local Government Iciative Project for Bulgaria, June 20, 2000
  13. Possibilities to Introduce Local Property Tax in Hungary, together with Gábor Balás, ENHR (European Network for Housing Research), Balatonfüred, August 1999
  14. Effects of Sub-urbanization on Local Governments in Budapest and its Surrounds, ENHR, Piran, September 1997
  15. Migration in Hungary, ENHR, Helsigor, August 1996
  16. Inquiry into the Reasons to Getting Delinquent, together with Balázs Horváth ENHR, Budapest September 1993

Principal Projects:

  1. Local governments financial system review and scoring tools development, HYPO NO AG, 2011
  2. MEREPS, Mediation and Restorative Justice in Prison Settings (Criminal Justice 2008), empirical research in two jail for the National Institute of Criminology, 2008-2010
  3. Municipal capacity building in base of Norwegian experiences 2009-2010, monitoring, Contract: Hung. Assoc. of Munich
  4. Municipal Budget Model Ios Namibia, making database, Principal: Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions, 2009
  5. Middle term economic development plan of the city of Monor. (2007-13) Economic plan and research. City of Monor – RVI, 2007
  6. Regional Operative Program 3.1.1 Local governments asset management. Methodology and practice. Summary study for the development of teaching material, contract with Hungarian Institute of Public Administration (MKI), project leader: András Vigvári
  7. Report on the Situation of the Employees of the Public Sector, their opinion about their conditions and the public reform, Survey made by Szonda-Ipsos for the Secretary of the Reform  of the Status of the Public Employees, 2004
  8. The operative program for public transport development of Central Hungary Multi-functional Micro-Region, (team leader and realized in cooperation with Judit Bányai, Tamás Boór and Gergely Horn), 2003-05
  9. The complex consolidation and reorganization program of public health care system: consultancy on methodological problems and issues related to the regional planing and functioning of the regional institution system, Team leader: Pál Jendrolovics and András Boros), for the CitiFund Kft. in base of the contract with the Ministry of Health, Social and Familial care (ESzCsM), 2003-04.
  10. Insecurities in European Cities (Amsterdam, Budapest, Cracow, Hamburg, Wien), Program leader: Sessar, Claus, Leader of the Hungarian research group: Irk Ferenc, 2002-2004
  11. Spacial differences in local public service in Budapest, team leader with László Harsányi, 2001-2003.
  12. Model calculations for the 15 years housing policy program of the Hungarian government, IN: Review of the middle term tasks of a housing policy, team leader Józsf Hegedüs, Városkutatás Kft., 2002-2003
  13. Economic development program of the Local Goverment Association Centre of Hungary, together with Judit Bányai, András Krémer, dr. Helga Répássy, Budapest, 2002.
  14. Inquiery about the e-administration of some local taxes, IN: Információs társadalom 5. részfeladat: Az elektronikus kormányzás regionális jogi és szervezési, Program leader: Attila Chikán, NKFP, BKÁE - MTA Sztaki, Kaposvár MJV, 2002.
  15. Local Management in Hungary: Fiscal and Structural Adjustment at the Local Level in the Context of Economic Transition, report prepared together Eugene Gurenko and József Hegedüs, World Bank – Városkutatás Kft., 1999
  16. Case Study of Six Cities, Modernizing Local Finantial System, Reseach report, USAID, Urban Institute, Városkutatás, 1999. (responsible for the program József Hegedüs, I collaborating to the studies on Tatabánya, Orosháza and Szentes)
  17. Local Government Leaders’ Opinion on Local Development, in cooperation with J. Hegedüs and J. Kálmán, Városkutatás Kft., 1997
  18. Analysis of Local Government’s Housing Subsidy, prepared with J. Hegedüs, P. Kovács and M. Polinszky, Városkutatás Kft., 1995
"The immunities of townships, which have been obtained with so much difficulty, are least of all protected against the encroachments of the supreme power. They are unable to struggle, single-handed, against a strong and enterprising government, and they cannot defend themselves with success unless they are identified with the customs of the nation and supported by public opinion. Thus until the independence of townships is amalgamated with the manners of a people, it is easily destroyed; and it is only after a long existence in the laws that it can be thus amalgamated."
Alexis Tocqueville: De la démocracie en Amérique / Democracy in America