Nationality: | Hungarian | |
Birth: | Bucuresti | |
Telefon: | +36 (30) 450-9511 | |
Fax: | +36 (1) 631-4538 | |
Email: | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | |
Title: | Founder - CEO | |
Education: |
2010 - |
University of Science of Pécs Habilitation |
2003 |
University of Science of Pécs Faculty of Economy PhD degree on Regional Policy and Economy |
1998 |
CNRS (Centre National de Recherche Cientifique, Paris) Methodological course |
1990 |
Science University of Eötvös Loránd, Budapest M.Sc. in Sociology and French |
Languages: | Hungarian (native) French (C1) Spanish (C1) English (good command) |
Marital status: | Married, 3 children |
Main activity:
2011 | - | Financial manager of TÁMOP 5.6.1.A-11/2 (social reintegration - vocational formation and employment) | |
2007 | - | Founder and executive of LRMI Local and Regional Monitoring Institute Development of comparative methodology for Local Governments, international cooperation |
2000 | - | 2012 | Owner: OSO POLAR Kkt. Consultancy, research and training on local governments finance, operating and dev. |
1993 | - | 1999 | Senior Fellow: Városkutatás Kft. (Metropolitan Research Institute Ltd.) Participating in technical assistance programs of USAID. Projects with World Bank, Hungarian central and local governments. |
1989 | - | 1992 | Junior Fellow: TÁRKI (Social Science Information Center) Topics: social and regional inequality. |
Professional experience:
2008 | - | 2011 | Lecturer: Local Governments Financial Questions and Answers Quarterly, Complex Wolters Kluwer Group |
2007 | Organizer of four researches about local government reforms (TÖOSZ – Erste) | ||
2002 | - | 2011 | Coordinator, expert, editor of publications of projects funded by the EU in Nat. Inst. Crim. (InSec, AGIS) |
2005 | Coordinator of the reform of the National Cultural Fund (NKA) | ||
2004 | - | 2005 | Coordinator of ILO STEP (strategy and tools against social exclusion) for CEE countries |
2002 | Konzulens, települési és területfejlesztési politikai szakdolgozóknak, BKÁE ÁIK | ||
2001 | Research, Regional Research Center of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences |
Teaching experience:
2012 | Guest professor: Local public Finance, International Summer School KIMEP University, Kazakhstan |
2008 | - | 2012 | Assoc. professor: sociology, methodology and European Studies Budapest College of Communication and Business |
2005 | - | 2008 | External teacher of Regional Finance at Faculty of Economics Univ. West Hungary |
2005 | - | 2006 | BME Település- és területi szakértői Magyar-Francia közös felsőfokú képzés Államháztartási ismeretek és önkormányzati finanszírozás |
2004 | - | 2006 | External teacher of Local Management Consultant at Fac. of Administration Univ. Corvinus |
1999 | - | 2002 | Teaching, Summer University, Open Society Institute, Modeling local finance |
1997 | - | 1999 | Teaching, Courses for specialized engineers at the University of Polytechnic (sociology, sub-urbanize) |
1998 | Közgazdasági Továbbképző Intézet A szuburbanizációs folyamatok hatása |
Membership of Organizations:
- Hungarian Society of Sociology
- Hungarian Society of Urbanism and Society of Regional Science
Principal Publications:
- Facts and figures of the Hungarian Sub-national Government System, discussion paper (responsible reader, author: LRMI collectivity), Local and Regional Monitoring Institute, 2008, 2011 (2nd revised ed.)
- III. French-Hungarian Municipal Meeting, in: Új magyar közigazgatás, 2011/9 pp. 66-67.
- Practice and methodology of Municipal asset management, with: Sipos Ivett, in: Új magyar közigazgatás, 2011/3 pp. 09-24.
- Inquiry into measuring regional competitiveness - with special focus on the Danube Strategy (with Ivett Sipos) in: Ágh A., Kaiser T and Koller B: The Danube Strategy, September 2010
- The specialties from point of view of regional policy and functioning of micro-regional system of the agglomeration of big cities, Területi Statisztika , September – November 2008
- Inquiry into the Rationalization of Central Hungary: Who would Win from it and Who Lose, In: A. Ágh – V. Szemere (eds.) Completing Membership in East Central Europe, Euro-Contact, Budapest, 2007. pp. 97-111.
- Helyzetjelentés a Közép-Magyarországi Régió Fejlesztési Tanácsa és Ügynöksége működési tapasztalatairól, a regionális intézményrandszer kiépüléséről (Report on the operating experience of the Development Comitee and the agency, the development of the the regional institutions of the Region of Central Hungary), In: Kaiser Tamás, Ágh Attila, Kis-Varga Judit: A régiók Magyarországa I, Stratégiai Kutatások Magyarország 2015, MTA-MEH Projekt, MTA Szociológia Kutatóintézet, 2007. pp. 155-218.
- Crime Prevention Carousel. National Report. Budapest-Békásmegyer (JAI/2004/AGIS/164, research report, a-authors: dr. Tünde Barabás, prof. Ferenc Irk, and Szandra Windt) OKRI, Budapest, 2006.
- Chances of Caching up – the Potencial Role of the Local Level: Administrative System and Regional Development, In: A. Ágh – V. Szemere (eds.) New Member States int he Enlarged Europe: The Hungarian Perspective, Euro-Contract, Budapest, 2006. pp. 72-88.
- A Közép-Magyarországi Régió, a budapesti agglomeráció és Budapest, mint kistérség problematikája (The Central Region, the agglomaration of Budapest and Budapest as , IN: Budapest a Közép-Magyarországi Régióban: A közös versenyképesség perspektívái, BM IDEA, 2005. pp. 117-152
- e-Településmenedzsment, a modern kommunikációs és adatátviteli eszközök alkalmazásának lehetőségei a települések irányításának új koncepciójában. E-Government Alapítvány, Budapest, 2005.
- Budapest versus Hongrie, á l’aube de l’intégration européenne, Regards sur l’est, n° 36, avril-juin 2004, (together with Krisztina Keresztély) 2004.
- 13. Budapest et la Hongrie: la réforme administrative a l’assaut de la centralisation (co-author Keresztély Krisztina), IN: L’Élargissement de l’Union Européenne: réformes territoriales en Europe Centrale et Orientale, L’Harmattan, Paris, 2004. pp. 125-129.
- Insecurities in European Cities, The Hungarian Case, (Co-authors: dr. Barabár Tünde, dr. Irk Ferenc) vol. I., OKRI, Budapest, 2003.
- Egyes helyi adók elktronikus ügymenetének bevetésével kapcsolatos kérdések, (Inquiery about the e-administration of some local taxes) IN: Információs társadalom 5. részfeladat: Az elektronikus kormányzás regionális jogi és szervezési, Program leader: Attila Chikán, NKFP, BKÁE - MTA Sztaki, Kaposvár MJV, 2002.
- Budapest (köz)szolgáltatásokkal való ellátásának területi különbségei (Territorial Differencies in Public Service Delivery in Budapest), program leader with Lászlóval Harsányi , 2001-2003.
- Challenges of Suburbanization in Budapest Agglomeration, (together with Györgyi Barta), Arbeitsmaterial nr 282 „Stadt-Umland-Probleme und Entwicklung desgrossflächinigen Einzel-hangels in den Ländern Mittel- und Südosteuropa”, Akademie für Raumforschung und Landesplanung, ARL , Hannover, 2001., pp. 13-24
- The Effects of sub-urbanization – with Special Regards to Budapest and its Surroundings, In: Cernic Mali B. – Dimitrovska Andrews – K & Turner, B. (ed).: Housing in Transition, Ljubljana Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia, pp. 535-547.
- Local Government Leaders’ Opinion on Local Development, report prepared in cooperation with József Hegedüs and Judit Kálmán, Városkutatás Kft., 1997
- Analysis of Local Government’s Housing Subsidy, research report prepared with József Hegedüs, Petra Kovács and Márta Polinszky, Városkutatás Kft., 1995
- Possibility to Building Tax in Budapest, research report prepared with József Hegedüs, Városkutatás Kft., 1994
- Housing Conditions in the 1990’s, (Lakáshelyzet a 90-es években; together with József Hegedüs and Iván Tosics), Társadalmi Riport (Social Report), TÁRKI, 1994
- „Foreigners” in Hungary — Settlements and Refugees, In: Those looking for their way, Yearbook of International Migration Research Team of the Institute for Political Sciences of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 1992
- Inequalities between settlements, Social Riport, 1992, TÁRKI
- Regional effects of crisis symptoms (Válságjelenségek területi vonatkozásai), Gyorsjelentések 7, TÁRKI 1991
- French – Hungarian Municipal Financial Conference, President and member of the organizing committee, June 28 2012, Budapest
- Exchange of territorial administrative experiences and good practices, UDITE Professional Study Day, 9th March 2012, Budapest
- II International Seminar, (Observatório de Luta Contra a Pobreza na Cidade de Lisboa), Lisbon, February 2012
- Changes – 2010, autonomous finance, Budapest, 4th March 2010
- Functions of city marketing and tourism in local development, Summary of Learning, (Local dynamics), Budapest, April 2009
- 2008 will it be year of Municipal Bankruptcies? – Vision and potential, Budapest, April 2008
- Local Governments Subsidy’s simplification: financial indicators system, Önkormányz. gazdálk. – helyi fejlesztés Conf., Pécs, 2008
- Scenario for Rationalization Middle-Hungary, Régiók félúton. Helyzetkép–jövőkép Magyarországon. Conference, Pécs, 2008.
- Organization of public services and regionalism int he region of Budapest, IV. Conference of the Hungarian Society of Regional Sciences, Szeged, 2006.
- Fear of crime in Budapest, Results of the Programme of Insecurities in European Cities for Hungary, Conference of the European Society of Criminology, 2004
- Systeme macroséphale en Hongrie, (Special Legal Regulation for Budapest) Réfonder les territoires, École Normale Supérieur Centre Géophile, Lyon, 2003. [together with Krisztina Keresztély]
- Local Tax and Fee Policy: Recent Developments in Hungary, together with Charles Jokay, Local Government Iciative Project for Bulgaria, June 20, 2000
- Possibilities to Introduce Local Property Tax in Hungary, together with Gábor Balás, ENHR (European Network for Housing Research), Balatonfüred, August 1999
- Effects of Sub-urbanization on Local Governments in Budapest and its Surrounds, ENHR, Piran, September 1997
- Migration in Hungary, ENHR, Helsigor, August 1996
- Inquiry into the Reasons to Getting Delinquent, together with Balázs Horváth ENHR, Budapest September 1993
Principal Projects:
- Local governments financial system review and scoring tools development, HYPO NO AG, 2011
- MEREPS, Mediation and Restorative Justice in Prison Settings (Criminal Justice 2008), empirical research in two jail for the National Institute of Criminology, 2008-2010
- Municipal capacity building in base of Norwegian experiences 2009-2010, monitoring, Contract: Hung. Assoc. of Munich
- Municipal Budget Model Ios Namibia, making database, Principal: Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions, 2009
- Middle term economic development plan of the city of Monor. (2007-13) Economic plan and research. City of Monor – RVI, 2007
- Regional Operative Program 3.1.1 Local governments asset management. Methodology and practice. Summary study for the development of teaching material, contract with Hungarian Institute of Public Administration (MKI), project leader: András Vigvári
- Report on the Situation of the Employees of the Public Sector, their opinion about their conditions and the public reform, Survey made by Szonda-Ipsos for the Secretary of the Reform of the Status of the Public Employees, 2004
- The operative program for public transport development of Central Hungary Multi-functional Micro-Region, (team leader and realized in cooperation with Judit Bányai, Tamás Boór and Gergely Horn), 2003-05
- The complex consolidation and reorganization program of public health care system: consultancy on methodological problems and issues related to the regional planing and functioning of the regional institution system, Team leader: Pál Jendrolovics and András Boros), for the CitiFund Kft. in base of the contract with the Ministry of Health, Social and Familial care (ESzCsM), 2003-04.
- Insecurities in European Cities (Amsterdam, Budapest, Cracow, Hamburg, Wien), Program leader: Sessar, Claus, Leader of the Hungarian research group: Irk Ferenc, 2002-2004
- Spacial differences in local public service in Budapest, team leader with László Harsányi, 2001-2003.
- Model calculations for the 15 years housing policy program of the Hungarian government, IN: Review of the middle term tasks of a housing policy, team leader Józsf Hegedüs, Városkutatás Kft., 2002-2003
- Economic development program of the Local Goverment Association Centre of Hungary, together with Judit Bányai, András Krémer, dr. Helga Répássy, Budapest, 2002.
- Inquiery about the e-administration of some local taxes, IN: Információs társadalom 5. részfeladat: Az elektronikus kormányzás regionális jogi és szervezési, Program leader: Attila Chikán, NKFP, BKÁE - MTA Sztaki, Kaposvár MJV, 2002.
- Local Management in Hungary: Fiscal and Structural Adjustment at the Local Level in the Context of Economic Transition, report prepared together Eugene Gurenko and József Hegedüs, World Bank – Városkutatás Kft., 1999
- Case Study of Six Cities, Modernizing Local Finantial System, Reseach report, USAID, Urban Institute, Városkutatás, 1999. (responsible for the program József Hegedüs, I collaborating to the studies on Tatabánya, Orosháza and Szentes)
- Local Government Leaders’ Opinion on Local Development, in cooperation with J. Hegedüs and J. Kálmán, Városkutatás Kft., 1997
- Analysis of Local Government’s Housing Subsidy, prepared with J. Hegedüs, P. Kovács and M. Polinszky, Városkutatás Kft., 1995